all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 2PP 71 0 51.545208 -0.196408
NW6 2PR 61 0 51.545165 -0.195949
NW6 2PS 34 0 51.545166 -0.194838
NW6 2PT 44 0 51.545319 -0.195423
NW6 2PU 37 0 51.545143 -0.194493
NW6 2PX 42 0 51.545142 -0.193844
NW6 2PY 48 0 51.545198 -0.19338
NW6 2QA 16 0 51.545342 -0.192841
NW6 2QH 19 4 51.546569 -0.203032
NW6 2QJ 32 7 51.546221 -0.202642
NW6 2QN 58 15 51.545234 -0.201628
NW6 2QR 8 0 51.545945 -0.196196
NW6 2QS 9 0 51.545165 -0.201198
NW6 2QT 99 3 51.546727 -0.199713
NW6 2QU 1 1 51.545214 -0.200908
NW6 2QW 23 0 51.546001 -0.202377
NW6 2QX 1 1 51.546589 -0.198867
NW6 2QY 72 0 51.547176 -0.197441
NW6 2RA 59 0 51.547484 -0.195886
NW6 2RB 56 2 51.547993 -0.193875