all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 6BN 0 51.536168 -0.202072
NW6 6BP 0 51.536816 -0.199022
NW6 6BS 0 51.536399 -0.198977
NW6 6BX 1 51.538328 -0.195195
NW6 6DA 0 51.535954 -0.215567
NW6 6DB 0 51.535001 -0.217503
NW6 6DD 0 51.534343 -0.218004
NW6 6DE 0 51.534961 -0.216654
NW6 6DF 0 51.536822 -0.214245
NW6 6DG 0 51.53409 -0.21676
NW6 6DH 0 51.53381 -0.216655
NW6 6DJ 0 51.534459 -0.213833
NW6 6DL 0 51.534714 -0.214039
NW6 6DT 1 51.539713 -0.210411
NW6 6DU 0 51.537339 -0.213263
NW6 6DX 0 51.537735 -0.212811
NW6 6DY 0 51.535922 -0.214799
NW6 6DZ 2 51.538344 -0.21208
NW6 6EA 0 51.535589 -0.215418
NW6 6EB 0 51.534708 -0.215284