all postcodes in NW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW6 6TE 0 51.535815 -0.204249
NW6 6TG 0 51.537735 -0.208672
NW6 6TH 0 51.537954 -0.208909
NW6 6TJ 0 51.538246 -0.209186
NW6 6TL 0 51.538714 -0.209182
NW6 6TN 2 51.539444 -0.209903
NW6 6TP 0 51.539084 -0.210465
NW6 6TR 0 51.538674 -0.210149
NW6 6TS 0 51.538948 -0.209807
NW6 6TT 0 51.538365 -0.209887
NW6 6WJ 1 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 6ZS 0 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 6XH 0 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 6XW 1 0 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 6JL 2 51.539483 -0.195438
NW6 6RW 1 51.535964 -0.194669
NW6 6BF 47 1 51.533704 -0.203813
NW6 6RL 1 51.540112 -0.208742