all postcodes in OL11 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL11 3HQ 35 0 53.599252 -2.183463
OL11 3HS 26 0 53.597158 -2.183666
OL11 3HT 10 0 53.597841 -2.183865
OL11 3HU 16 0 53.59795 -2.182762
OL11 3HW 22 0 53.59871 -2.18538
OL11 3HX 10 0 53.59767 -2.182533
OL11 3HY 19 2 53.597034 -2.18229
OL11 3HZ 4 0 53.596852 -2.183951
OL11 3JA 28 2 53.596572 -2.18457
OL11 3JB 4 0 53.596195 -2.184341
OL11 3JF 29 0 53.595594 -2.183855
OL11 3JG 46 0 53.594756 -2.184743
OL11 3JH 7 0 53.595469 -2.183144
OL11 3JJ 44 0 53.595332 -2.182915
OL11 3JL 12 1 53.596186 -2.183403
OL11 3JN 2 1 53.596826 -2.182151
OL11 3JP 2 0 53.599514 -2.181302
OL11 3JQ 33 0 53.594425 -2.183971
OL11 3JT 13 0 53.596691 -2.183346
OL11 3JU 15 2 53.601598 -2.183896