all postcodes in OL11 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL11 3JX 14 0 53.600951 -2.183516
OL11 3JY 4 0 53.600465 -2.184058
OL11 3JZ 66 0 53.600413 -2.182577
OL11 3LA 6 0 53.599953 -2.18395
OL11 3LB 14 0 53.599513 -2.183238
OL11 3LD 18 0 53.600104 -2.185069
OL11 3LE 24 0 53.600913 -2.184679
OL11 3LF 48 0 53.601281 -2.184998
OL11 3LG 40 1 53.600261 -2.18791
OL11 3LH 6 0 53.601384 -2.188066
OL11 3LJ 45 0 53.601288 -2.186419
OL11 3LL 10 0 53.601755 -2.186844
OL11 3LN 15 0 53.602242 -2.185561
OL11 3LP 26 0 53.602387 -2.185018
OL11 3LQ 42 0 53.601286 -2.187763
OL11 3LR 7 0 53.602244 -2.189989
OL11 3LS 47 0 53.598786 -2.18875
OL11 3LT 3 0 53.598309 -2.189201
OL11 3LU 10 2 53.601213 -2.188534
OL11 3LW 6 2 53.602464 -2.187602