all postcodes in OL13 / BACUP

find any address or company within the OL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL13 8GS 1 0 53.702749 -2.201727
OL13 8GT 1 1 53.70113 -2.20231
OL13 8GU 1 0 53.702721 -2.202621
OL13 8GW 1 0 53.702225 -2.203057
OL13 8GX 3 0 53.701866 -2.203283
OL13 8HE 13 0 53.702516 -2.201423
OL13 8HH 1 0 53.702586 -2.202287
OL13 8HJ 49 0 53.699959 -2.203668
OL13 8HL 2 0 53.702124 -2.202632
OL13 8HN 1 1 53.701827 -2.204631
OL13 8HP 64 0 53.697151 -2.206335
OL13 8HQ 5 1 53.70301 -2.201653
OL13 8HR 3 0 53.699051 -2.204299
OL13 8HS 2 0 53.697713 -2.207109
OL13 8HT 2 0 53.70301 -2.201653
OL13 8HU 8 0 53.701189 -2.204491
OL13 8HW 5 0 53.701182 -2.20328
OL13 8HX 15 0 53.700748 -2.205307
OL13 8HY 9 1 53.701413 -2.20525
OL13 8HZ 13 0 53.696561 -2.209194