all postcodes in OL13 / BACUP

find any address or company within the OL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL13 8NJ 6 0 53.696852 -2.222297
OL13 8NL 7 0 53.701169 -2.216064
OL13 8NN 5 0 53.711685 -2.225799
OL13 8NQ 3 0 53.695951 -2.222321
OL13 8NR 3 0 53.701423 -2.208173
OL13 8NS 1 0 53.70665 -2.20673
OL13 8NW 2 0 53.716943 -2.229084
OL13 8NZ 7 1 53.725974 -2.196746
OL13 8PA 4 0 53.711931 -2.204241
OL13 8PB 2 0 53.712028 -2.203453
OL13 8PD 4 0 53.71203 -2.203756
OL13 8PE 10 0 53.712184 -2.203348
OL13 8PF 6 0 53.71238 -2.20397
OL13 8PG 18 0 53.71231 -2.203242
OL13 8PH 1 1 53.717952 -2.199451
OL13 8PJ 6 6 53.713092 -2.20308
OL13 8PL 8 0 53.714236 -2.2016
OL13 8PN 11 0 53.72622 -2.194731
OL13 8PP 10 0 53.715173 -2.200438
OL13 8PQ 2 0 53.712361 -2.202818