all postcodes in OL13 / BACUP

find any address or company within the OL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL13 8RR 25 0 53.7237 -2.196614
OL13 8RS 8 0 53.709451 -2.192821
OL13 8RT 3 0 53.717774 -2.175054
OL13 8RU 1 0 53.723088 -2.173727
OL13 8RW 11 1 53.726996 -2.198236
OL13 8RX 2 0 53.724097 -2.199025
OL13 8UY 4 0 53.696236 -2.210147
OL13 8GE 9 0 53.726263 -2.195444
OL13 8RY 0 53.72669 -2.192794
OL13 8RZ 0 53.724097 -2.195297
OL13 8SA 0 53.730672 -2.20374
OL13 8LT 10 0 53.693631 -2.21916
OL13 8GZ 5 0 53.702353 -2.202058
OL13 8BU 0 53.706288 -2.203365
OL13 9AA 5 1 53.703514 -2.201019
OL13 9AE 24 7 53.703615 -2.20008
OL13 9AG 1 0 53.703561 -2.20011
OL13 9AH 1 1 53.703426 -2.200049
OL13 9AP 4 0 53.703159 -2.198275
OL13 9AR 5 0 53.703821 -2.200217