all postcodes in OL6 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL6 9QR 0 53.493556 -2.079229
OL6 9QS 0 53.494104 -2.079622
OL6 9QT 0 53.494769 -2.07997
OL6 9QU 0 53.493556 -2.079501
OL6 9QW 0 53.49512 -2.079624
OL6 9QX 1 53.492918 -2.079304
OL6 9QY 0 53.49272 -2.079966
OL6 9QZ 2 53.493745 -2.080104
OL6 9RA 0 53.494652 -2.080241
OL6 9RB 0 53.496391 -2.073672
OL6 9RD 0 53.4972 -2.073493
OL6 9RE 0 53.496598 -2.074336
OL6 9RG 1 53.486472 -2.094211
OL6 9RH 1 53.493828 -2.075432
OL6 9RJ 0 53.493055 -2.075943
OL6 9RL 1 53.492067 -2.075504
OL6 9RN 0 53.493478 -2.074964
OL6 9RP 0 53.49428 -2.07189
OL6 9RQ 0 53.49417 -2.075613
OL6 9RR 0 53.494117 -2.073322