all postcodes in OL6 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL6 9EF 0 53.499985 -2.076603
OL6 9EG 1 53.500768 -2.074841
OL6 9EH 0 53.500811 -2.077268
OL6 9EJ 0 53.501468 -2.076681
OL6 9EL 0 53.500675 -2.076663
OL6 9EN 0 53.499708 -2.074372
OL6 9EP 0 53.502524 -2.069417
OL6 9EQ 0 53.500649 -2.078127
OL6 9ER 0 53.504249 -2.070731
OL6 9ES 0 53.502227 -2.069416
OL6 9ET 0 53.502165 -2.068587
OL6 9EU 0 53.502884 -2.068467
OL6 9EW 0 53.502082 -2.071994
OL6 9EX 0 53.503198 -2.069312
OL6 9EY 0 53.501748 -2.074164
OL6 9EZ 0 53.502898 -2.075644
OL6 9HA 0 53.501262 -2.074827
OL6 9HB 0 53.501631 -2.074782
OL6 9HD 0 53.502369 -2.073095
OL6 9HE 0 53.502313 -2.075929