all postcodes in OL6 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL6 6EP 24 11 53.489935 -2.090858
OL6 6ER 4 2 53.489539 -2.091565
OL6 6ES 9 0 53.489458 -2.091158
OL6 6EW 1 1 53.489505 -2.088807
OL6 6EX 2 0 53.489566 -2.091008
OL6 6HA 4 1 53.488945 -2.089695
OL6 6HD 4 4 53.489361 -2.089184
OL6 6HE 13 6 53.48989 -2.089139
OL6 6HF 3 3 53.489604 -2.088476
OL6 6HG 3 3 53.489954 -2.087135
OL6 6HH 36 5 53.492695 -2.089492
OL6 6HJ 15 1 53.491598 -2.090379
OL6 6HL 10 5 53.491499 -2.090786
OL6 6HN 5 0 53.491552 -2.091329
OL6 6HP 20 0 53.491722 -2.091192
OL6 6HR 19 0 53.492254 -2.090667
OL6 6HS 30 0 53.492415 -2.090984
OL6 6HW 27 4 53.49183 -2.091962
OL6 6HX 27 1 53.493234 -2.090232
OL6 6HY 19 0 53.492792 -2.091768