all postcodes in OL6 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL6 6LP 7 1 53.489894 -2.084844
OL6 6LQ 11 0 53.489677 -2.086667
OL6 6LR 7 0 53.489543 -2.086094
OL6 6LS 12 0 53.489939 -2.085538
OL6 6LT 6 0 53.490074 -2.085206
OL6 6LU 1 0 53.490155 -2.084468
OL6 6LW 22 1 53.489012 -2.086078
OL6 6LX 51 2 53.490408 -2.083398
OL6 6LY 9 0 53.491523 -2.082466
OL6 6LZ 1 1 53.489838 -2.086426
OL6 6NA 11 4 53.492567 -2.07971
OL6 6NB 20 0 53.492172 -2.079453
OL6 6ND 8 2 53.493252 -2.077887
OL6 6NE 16 5 53.49291 -2.078053
OL6 6NG 1 1 53.488929 -2.089243
OL6 6NN 2 1 53.488248 -2.083861
OL6 6NQ 10 7 53.491126 -2.081862
OL6 6NR 3 0 53.488546 -2.084329
OL6 6NT 7 0 53.489751 -2.083804
OL6 6NU 42 0 53.489546 -2.081437