all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 7EW 1 51.629783 -1.142531
OX10 7EX 0 51.631248 -1.138674
OX10 7EY 0 51.639626 -1.138458
OX10 7HA 1 51.638432 -1.134574
OX10 7HE 0 51.639406 -1.139112
OX10 7HF 0 51.631732 -1.139691
OX10 7HG 0 51.632375 -1.141586
OX10 7HH 1 51.643671 -1.165638
OX10 7HL 1 51.644489 -1.165681
OX10 7HN 2 51.64526 -1.166563
OX10 7HP 0 51.647413 -1.167188
OX10 7HQ 0 51.633199 -1.14118
OX10 7HR 5 51.645208 -1.165581
OX10 7HS 0 51.646106 -1.164981
OX10 7HT 0 51.646214 -1.164993
OX10 7HX 0 51.644835 -1.16368
OX10 7HY 0 51.644593 -1.163785
OX10 7HZ 0 51.645169 -1.163862
OX10 7JA 0 51.644928 -1.162927
OX10 7JB 0 51.646544 -1.166293