all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 7NH 0 51.664356 -1.168246
OX10 7NL 0 51.664306 -1.1771
OX10 7NN 0 51.66476 -1.176499
OX10 7NP 0 51.66621 -1.174189
OX10 7NQ 1 51.665528 -1.168114
OX10 7NR 4 51.662941 -1.176026
OX10 7NS 0 51.663613 -1.175653
OX10 7NT 0 51.66325 -1.173953
OX10 7NU 1 51.664193 -1.173849
OX10 7NW 0 51.665553 -1.175473
OX10 7NX 0 51.664449 -1.173194
OX10 7NY 0 51.66468 -1.172756
OX10 7NZ 0 51.664823 -1.171997
OX10 7PA 0 51.664581 -1.171471
OX10 7PB 0 51.664639 -1.170747
OX10 7PD 0 51.665188 -1.169537
OX10 7PE 0 51.664566 -1.169303
OX10 7PF 0 51.659057 -1.172251
OX10 7PG 0 51.661488 -1.163908
OX10 7PH 6 51.650865 -1.158163