all postcodes in OX14 / ABINGDON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX14 4DF 52 0 51.631232 -1.286521
OX14 4DH 46 0 51.63053 -1.286373
OX14 4DP 17 5 51.611802 -1.309124
OX14 4DR 10 2 51.61735 -1.304721
OX14 4DS 37 0 51.61691 -1.301738
OX14 4DT 17 0 51.616009 -1.301376
OX14 4DU 16 0 51.616025 -1.300723
OX14 4DX 3 0 51.624998 -1.302131
OX14 4DZ 16 0 51.615488 -1.299983
OX14 4EA 19 1 51.625115 -1.299503
OX14 4EB 4 0 51.625437 -1.296262
OX14 4ED 2 0 51.626407 -1.297111
OX14 4EF 8 4 51.637489 -1.293356
OX14 4EG 68 0 51.628117 -1.296307
OX14 4EH 20 0 51.627199 -1.297243
OX14 4EJ 31 1 51.626747 -1.299851
OX14 4EL 2 0 51.625261 -1.300885
OX14 4EN 1 0 51.628168 -1.301955
OX14 4EP 1 0 51.630033 -1.307084
OX14 4EQ 2 0 51.627553 -1.296313