all postcodes in OX14 / ABINGDON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX14 4LS 28 0 51.615626 -1.29897
OX14 4LT 12 0 51.645873 -1.315861
OX14 4LU 10 0 51.643011 -1.307696
OX14 4LX 1 0 51.658129 -1.276905
OX14 4LY 1 0 51.652613 -1.274795
OX14 4LZ 15 0 51.652063 -1.275917
OX14 4NA 32 0 51.651893 -1.27167
OX14 4NB 24 1 51.651733 -1.267698
OX14 4ND 26 0 51.653075 -1.268066
OX14 4NE 4 0 51.651191 -1.265856
OX14 4NF 10 0 51.648451 -1.265695
OX14 4NG 2 0 51.646041 -1.265633
OX14 4NH 3 0 51.646123 -1.270155
OX14 4NJ 28 1 51.645508 -1.271584
OX14 4NL 14 0 51.652803 -1.266206
OX14 4NN 6 0 51.652223 -1.268355
OX14 4NP 7 0 51.651412 -1.273832
OX14 4NQ 25 1 51.645595 -1.266146
OX14 4NR 2 0 51.64631 -1.268418
OX14 4NS 6 0 51.640449 -1.240784