all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 9LD 9 0 52.04914 -1.352244
OX16 9LE 10 0 52.050831 -1.349157
OX16 9LF 9 0 52.052163 -1.349269
OX16 9LG 9 0 52.052491 -1.346844
OX16 9LH 21 0 52.048422 -1.350884
OX16 9LN 45 0 52.056836 -1.344068
OX16 9LP 13 0 52.056804 -1.344797
OX16 9LR 24 0 52.055689 -1.346433
OX16 9LS 41 0 52.05498 -1.34656
OX16 9LT 15 0 52.055252 -1.348612
OX16 9LU 4 0 52.055838 -1.348939
OX16 9LW 13 0 52.056451 -1.345926
OX16 9LX 28 0 52.054431 -1.348055
OX16 9LY 7 0 52.053591 -1.347513
OX16 9LZ 30 0 52.052941 -1.3485
OX16 9NA 8 0 52.052274 -1.348218
OX16 9NB 31 0 52.053239 -1.350537
OX16 9ND 18 0 52.053843 -1.349085
OX16 9NE 5 0 52.054276 -1.349049
OX16 9NH 56 1 52.053751 -1.351915