all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 9NF 20 0 52.055464 -1.351249
OX16 9NG 11 0 52.056247 -1.35131
OX16 9NJ 18 0 52.054031 -1.353909
OX16 9NL 9 0 52.054592 -1.349686
OX16 9NP 17 0 52.051588 -1.334957
OX16 9NQ 26 0 52.056608 -1.350065
OX16 9NR 47 0 52.049414 -1.354719
OX16 9NS 42 0 52.04873 -1.356085
OX16 9NT 8 0 52.058002 -1.345232
OX16 9NU 10 0 52.057445 -1.345357
OX16 9NX 22 0 52.056243 -1.347358
OX16 9NY 31 0 52.056737 -1.347234
OX16 9NZ 29 0 52.057885 -1.346751
OX16 9PA 13 13 52.057771 -1.349027
OX16 9PG 9 0 52.056417 -1.349514
OX16 9PH 26 0 52.057802 -1.34312
OX16 9PJ 10 0 52.057798 -1.342551
OX16 9PL 22 0 52.05784 -1.342026
OX16 9PN 6 0 52.057874 -1.341515
OX16 9PP 49 0 52.058284 -1.342515