all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 1DE 14 0 52.126953 -1.401294
OX17 1DF 6 1 52.126997 -1.402886
OX17 1DG 2 1 52.13258 -1.405574
OX17 1DH 12 1 52.132451 -1.438898
OX17 1DL 8 0 52.127611 -1.399912
OX17 1DN 12 0 52.121953 -1.359968
OX17 1DP 10 0 52.122565 -1.356833
OX17 1DQ 16 0 52.134565 -1.433481
OX17 1DR 7 1 52.127437 -1.333946
OX17 1DS 4 1 52.135943 -1.366664
OX17 1DT 1 0 52.142056 -1.364984
OX17 1DU 2 0 52.141339 -1.372023
OX17 1DW 14 0 52.124211 -1.361878
OX17 1DX 1 1 52.131436 -1.38328
OX17 1DY 3 0 52.144168 -1.37153
OX17 1DZ 34 1 52.14388 -1.368144
OX17 1EA 31 0 52.145082 -1.365862
OX17 1EB 6 0 52.147171 -1.364912
OX17 1ED 10 0 52.147859 -1.364039
OX17 1EE 25 0 52.147684 -1.363224