all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 1EF 1 1 52.151154 -1.349947
OX17 1EH 4 0 52.168744 -1.363947
OX17 1EJ 1 0 52.160397 -1.3518
OX17 1EN 8 0 52.145806 -1.334081
OX17 1EP 6 0 52.146159 -1.332877
OX17 1EQ 4 0 52.15851 -1.361841
OX17 1ER 18 0 52.145854 -1.331494
OX17 1EU 10 0 52.147473 -1.333267
OX17 1ES 2 0 52.145189 -1.332366
OX17 1ET 8 0 52.149248 -1.306758
OX17 1EW 6 0 52.146987 -1.333889
OX17 1EX 11 0 52.14778 -1.334272
OX17 1EY 1 0 52.147771 -1.342207
OX17 1EZ 12 0 52.148622 -1.332958
OX17 1FB 1 1 52.116731 -1.320027
OX17 1GF 7 0 52.077961 -1.366609
OX17 1GG 21 0 52.078221 -1.366445
OX17 1GH 16 0 52.077456 -1.366295
OX17 1GJ 3 0 52.078127 -1.365629
OX17 1HA 14 0 52.150239 -1.334176