all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 1HB 10 0 52.150026 -1.333214
OX17 1HD 2 0 52.162856 -1.329296
OX17 1HF 7 0 52.091894 -1.362777
OX17 1HG 6 0 52.091495 -1.365468
OX17 1HH 27 0 52.146628 -1.334858
OX17 1HJ 11 1 52.080648 -1.367534
OX17 1GY 11 0 52.088364 -1.368373
OX17 1HL 12 0 52.089392 -1.368826
OX17 1HN 35 1 52.089864 -1.366338
OX17 1HP 6 0 52.091385 -1.361704
OX17 1HQ 5 0 52.08893 -1.368249
OX17 1HR 8 0 52.091384 -1.361485
OX17 1HS 6 0 52.106278 -1.382838
OX17 1HT 12 0 52.106686 -1.383358
OX17 1HU 16 0 52.107954 -1.381866
OX17 1HW 14 0 52.090967 -1.364162
OX17 1HX 8 0 52.10817 -1.380096
OX17 1HY 3 0 52.108996 -1.378143
OX17 1HZ 5 3 52.113941 -1.37587
OX17 1JA 26 0 52.107137 -1.377994