all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 1LB 8 0 52.135861 -1.270936
OX17 1LD 19 1 52.137083 -1.271384
OX17 1LE 19 0 52.13661 -1.27199
OX17 1LF 8 0 52.135486 -1.272812
OX17 1LH 5 3 52.138201 -1.282192
OX17 1LL 5 5 52.139298 -1.28368
OX17 1LN 3 1 52.138608 -1.289959
OX17 1LP 15 0 52.136489 -1.272767
OX17 1LQ 20 0 52.135912 -1.273887
OX17 1LR 6 0 52.135081 -1.273272
OX17 1LS 2 0 52.129114 -1.283624
OX17 1LT 23 0 52.132301 -1.275918
OX17 1LU 28 0 52.132486 -1.276835
OX17 1LW 6 0 52.137139 -1.27318
OX17 1LX 26 0 52.134238 -1.275141
OX17 1LY 25 0 52.133578 -1.274509
OX17 1LZ 7 0 52.134663 -1.254825
OX17 1NA 4 0 52.14768 -1.333235
OX17 1ND 1 0 52.130411 -1.357977
OX17 1NG 18 0 52.116908 -1.318052