all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 1NH 8 0 52.116174 -1.318604
OX17 1NJ 3 0 52.116258 -1.319143
OX17 1NL 3 0 52.115802 -1.319574
OX17 1NN 30 0 52.115843 -1.320478
OX17 1NP 4 0 52.11706 -1.319365
OX17 1NQ 6 0 52.116475 -1.317723
OX17 1NR 7 0 52.117614 -1.318845
OX17 1NS 8 0 52.117794 -1.31725
OX17 1NT 25 0 52.118514 -1.315837
OX17 1NU 10 0 52.117792 -1.31541
OX17 1NW 3 0 52.116619 -1.319444
OX17 1NX 15 0 52.11742 -1.314861
OX17 1NY 10 0 52.117103 -1.31599
OX17 1PA 6 2 52.117504 -1.316875
OX17 1NZ 3 0 52.116997 -1.316299
OX17 1PB 11 0 52.11672 -1.316639
OX17 1PG 6 1 52.115575 -1.316028
OX17 1PD 3 0 52.116543 -1.315546
OX17 1PE 3 0 52.116252 -1.314908
OX17 1PF 7 1 52.123321 -1.301025