all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 3EN 0 52.015484 -1.321169
OX17 3EP 0 52.014575 -1.321022
OX17 3EQ 0 52.015971 -1.319879
OX17 3ER 0 52.013997 -1.32071
OX17 3ES 0 52.013465 -1.320383
OX17 3ET 0 52.013733 -1.321691
OX17 3EU 0 52.012767 -1.322594
OX17 3EW 0 52.014177 -1.322179
OX17 3EY 1 52.011887 -1.329047
OX17 3EZ 0 52.010574 -1.322729
OX17 3HA 0 52.009189 -1.32259
OX17 3HB 0 52.009541 -1.32289
OX17 3HD 0 52.010013 -1.32367
OX17 3HE 0 52.010778 -1.32376
OX17 3HF 0 52.010732 -1.320425
OX17 3HG 0 52.003909 -1.320528
OX17 3NQ 0 52.018253 -1.310431
OX17 3HH 0 52.007944 -1.310924
OX17 3HJ 8 52.010795 -1.309627
OX17 3HN 0 52.011514 -1.323502