all postcodes in OX17 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX17 3LU 0 52.016196 -1.313712
OX17 3LW 0 52.014079 -1.316148
OX17 3LX 0 52.016156 -1.314396
OX17 3LY 0 52.01698 -1.31405
OX17 3LZ 1 52.016833 -1.315159
OX17 3NA 1 52.016828 -1.31274
OX17 3NB 2 52.017688 -1.312174
OX17 3ND 1 52.017198 -1.311409
OX17 3NE 1 52.016833 -1.310409
OX17 3NF 0 52.016027 -1.30943
OX17 3NG 1 52.017294 -1.309323
OX17 3NH 1 52.019168 -1.30998
OX17 3NJ 0 52.017647 -1.305136
OX17 3NL 2 52.017656 -1.301943
OX17 3NN 0 52.018671 -1.311182
OX17 3NP 0 52.010029 -1.300096
OX17 3NS 1 52.01229 -1.291696
OX17 3NT 2 52.009429 -1.291495
OX17 3NU 1 52.006697 -1.284341
OX17 3NW 0 52.017065 -1.302551