all postcodes in OX2 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX2 6EX 0 51.764454 -1.261398
OX2 6EY 0 51.762559 -1.263701
OX2 6FA 1 51.762111 -1.263378
OX2 6GB 1 51.750231 -1.267367
OX2 6HA 7 51.759058 -1.261197
OX2 6HD 1 51.759746 -1.261924
OX2 6HG 1 51.760923 -1.263195
OX2 6HJ 8 51.762197 -1.263388
OX2 6HL 2 51.763213 -1.26423
OX2 6HN 0 51.76518 -1.2654
OX2 6HP 1 51.766147 -1.264733
OX2 6HQ 0 51.761849 -1.263209
OX2 6HR 1 51.763938 -1.26374
OX2 6HS 1 51.762109 -1.26177
OX2 6HT 4 51.760201 -1.261323
OX2 6HU 0 51.762078 -1.263886
OX2 6HX 1 51.76361 -1.265875
OX2 6HY 0 51.763226 -1.267707
OX2 6HZ 0 51.764743 -1.267436
OX2 6JA 0 51.764712 -1.266799