all postcodes in OX2 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX2 6SG 0 51.766547 -1.255408
OX2 6SH 0 51.766105 -1.25943
OX2 6SJ 0 51.766623 -1.257537
OX2 6SL 0 51.767109 -1.257529
OX2 6SN 0 51.766706 -1.25926
OX2 6SP 1 51.767556 -1.258623
OX2 6SQ 0 51.765615 -1.257279
OX2 6SR 0 51.767723 -1.257954
OX2 6SS 1 51.767805 -1.256721
OX2 6ST 1 51.76965 -1.254212
OX2 6SU 0 51.768007 -1.258819
OX2 6SW 0 51.767336 -1.259381
OX2 6SX 0 51.768254 -1.257974
OX2 6SY 0 51.769714 -1.255748
OX2 6TA 1 51.750231 -1.267367
OX2 6TD 0 51.771496 -1.273283
OX2 6TE 0 51.772175 -1.272577
OX2 6TF 0 51.771296 -1.271475
OX2 6TG 0 51.770533 -1.268821
OX2 6TH 0 51.769178 -1.267669