all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 4BQ 3 0 51.774042 -1.404785
OX29 4BS 1 0 51.778434 -1.369389
OX29 4BT 3 1 51.775576 -1.361124
OX29 4BU 11 0 51.794235 -1.341981
OX29 4BW 2 0 51.792207 -1.343299
OX29 4BX 1 0 51.774758 -1.359657
OX29 4BY 7 0 51.77355 -1.357428
OX29 4BZ 6 1 51.773035 -1.355189
OX29 4DA 10 2 51.763912 -1.358127
OX29 4DB 19 9 51.787171 -1.354045
OX29 4DD 1 1 51.789219 -1.351957
OX29 4DE 3 1 51.789429 -1.347662
OX29 4DF 2 0 51.790226 -1.349257
OX29 4DG 8 1 51.792741 -1.34341
OX29 4DH 30 0 51.791028 -1.347349
OX29 4DJ 25 0 51.790833 -1.346236
OX29 4DL 3 0 51.792014 -1.343696
OX29 4DN 15 1 51.793623 -1.343527
OX29 4DP 16 0 51.795593 -1.343803
OX29 4DQ 3 0 51.790436 -1.346053