all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 4DR 16 0 51.795216 -1.34391
OX29 4DS 49 8 51.794179 -1.340054
OX29 4DT 7 0 51.792468 -1.342732
OX29 4DU 1 0 51.77199 -1.363203
OX29 4DW 9 0 51.794456 -1.343008
OX29 4DX 21 0 51.793355 -1.340617
OX29 4DY 29 3 51.796885 -1.341696
OX29 4DZ 10 8 51.813505 -1.34891
OX29 4EA 4 2 51.800296 -1.339036
OX29 4EB 5 4 51.798965 -1.316927
OX29 4ED 1 0 51.786739 -1.368853
OX29 4EF 4 3 51.787266 -1.378327
OX29 4EG 6 0 51.79692 -1.377745
OX29 4EH 2 1 51.805351 -1.371071
OX29 4EJ 4 0 51.794316 -1.366645
OX29 4EL 13 0 51.795372 -1.34124
OX29 4EN 3 3 51.788107 -1.366396
OX29 4EP 10 0 51.794267 -1.341299
OX29 4EQ 1 0 51.804077 -1.371091
OX29 4ER 10 0 51.791442 -1.344182