all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 6UX 2 0 51.787793 -1.450648
OX29 6UY 3 0 51.789411 -1.440148
OX29 6UZ 3 0 51.789818 -1.431963
OX29 6WG 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX29 6WH 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX29 6WJ 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX29 6WN 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX29 6WT 2 1 51.824212 -1.438046
OX29 6XB 3 0 51.796884 -1.418101
OX29 6XD 11 0 51.793662 -1.417519
OX29 6XE 10 1 51.791562 -1.411181
OX29 6XF 3 0 51.784085 -1.420918
OX29 6XG 4 0 51.773454 -1.42391
OX29 6XH 2 0 51.767975 -1.418442
OX29 6XJ 7 1 51.771018 -1.426678
OX29 6XN 24 1 51.77289 -1.431772
OX29 6XL 20 0 51.772661 -1.42905
OX29 6XQ 7 0 51.771109 -1.424215
OX29 6YB 5 0 51.812864 -1.439117
OX29 6ZD 25 0 51.812635 -1.44015