all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 6TH 5 0 51.81443 -1.454794
OX29 6TJ 32 26 51.815309 -1.454232
OX29 6TL 6 0 51.814997 -1.449042
OX29 6TN 16 1 51.81547 -1.446382
OX29 6TQ 9 0 51.815288 -1.455552
OX29 6TR 26 0 51.816244 -1.442789
OX29 6TS 2 0 51.815555 -1.444159
OX29 6TT 20 1 51.815303 -1.443395
OX29 6TU 1 1 51.815114 -1.441468
OX29 6TW 16 0 51.816325 -1.446632
OX29 6TX 34 0 51.818331 -1.441066
OX29 6UJ 1 0 51.769534 -1.456059
OX29 6UL 7 0 51.776132 -1.463589
OX29 6UN 16 1 51.780272 -1.454568
OX29 6UP 20 0 51.777126 -1.438312
OX29 6UR 13 0 51.778099 -1.431241
OX29 6US 6 0 51.778105 -1.429895
OX29 6UT 6 0 51.784991 -1.462136
OX29 6UU 3 0 51.784223 -1.457347
OX29 6UW 10 0 51.780653 -1.448357