all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8RH 2 0 51.851718 -1.427265
OX29 8RU 1 1 51.825682 -1.369151
OX29 8RX 1 1 51.824599 -1.368542
OX29 8SA 1 1 51.825883 -1.368161
OX29 8SJ 1 1 51.82536 -1.367951
OX29 8SS 1 1 51.825816 -1.369625
OX29 8SX 1 1 51.823591 -1.388753
OX29 8TA 9 0 51.813516 -1.403482
OX29 8ST 8 0 51.850728 -1.434059
OX29 8BZ 0 51.852731 -1.433671
OX29 8JB 0 51.818821 -1.407155
OX29 8BQ 0 51.82625 -1.395708
OX29 8FD 1 1 51.825508 -1.366991
OX29 8NE 0 51.850631 -1.432623
OX29 8BF 0 51.85742 -1.429097
OX29 8FA 0 51.843984 -1.408291
OX29 8FB 0 51.862903 -1.405528
OX29 8FE 0 51.823129 -1.388626
OX29 8FF 13 0 51.852126 -1.424196
OX29 8FJ 0 51.857438 -1.427497