all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8QX 1 0 51.851141 -1.428261
OX29 8QD 12 0 51.850689 -1.424129
OX29 8QE 6 0 51.851525 -1.427923
OX29 8QF 26 0 51.853922 -1.430723
OX29 8QG 8 0 51.853513 -1.429959
OX29 8QH 1 0 51.854889 -1.430317
OX29 8QJ 5 0 51.851527 -1.430013
OX29 8QL 8 0 51.824413 -1.401699
OX29 8QN 4 0 51.853354 -1.428625
OX29 8QP 63 0 51.812778 -1.405102
OX29 8QQ 4 0 51.853196 -1.429353
OX29 8QR 28 0 51.813501 -1.404164
OX29 8QT 4 0 51.852574 -1.4291
OX29 8QU 3 1 51.851391 -1.429855
OX29 8QW 7 0 51.853074 -1.428338
OX29 8QY 4 0 51.851182 -1.431208
OX29 8QZ 3 0 51.849978 -1.431514
OX29 8RA 9 0 51.826559 -1.401221
OX29 8RB 6 0 51.827241 -1.400849
OX29 8RD 5 0 51.826282 -1.380678