all postcodes in OX49 / WATLINGTON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX49 5BE 0 51.658161 -1.007852
OX49 5BF 0 51.642702 -1.007568
OX49 5BT 1 51.645482 -1.003504
OX49 5BU 5 51.645621 -1.003934
OX49 5BY 0 51.64684 -1.002462
OX49 5BZ 1 51.647266 -1.001333
OX49 5DA 0 51.648054 -0.99716
OX49 5DE 0 51.650171 -0.994512
OX49 5DF 0 51.640774 -0.978751
OX49 5DH 0 51.656974 -0.990949
OX49 5DJ 0 51.657319 -0.992373
OX49 5DL 1 51.658442 -0.994372
OX49 5DN 0 51.656989 -0.989518
OX49 5DQ 0 51.654748 -0.994555
OX49 5DR 0 51.65869 -0.989315
OX49 5DS 0 51.660669 -0.983552
OX49 5DT 0 51.6625 -0.986301
OX49 5DU 0 51.665808 -0.994599
OX49 5DW 0 51.656141 -0.98919
OX49 5DX 0 51.668782 -0.994273