all postcodes in OX49 / WATLINGTON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX49 5EA 0 51.642636 -1.006052
OX49 5EB 2 51.642472 -1.006865
OX49 5EH 0 51.643096 -1.006288
OX49 5EJ 1 51.642522 -1.006416
OX49 5EN 0 51.641397 -1.006296
OX49 5EL 0 51.640113 -1.004387
OX49 5EP 0 51.627208 -1.002583
OX49 5EQ 9 51.632995 -1.008611
OX49 5ER 0 51.633567 -0.998614
OX49 5ES 0 51.630608 -0.987431
OX49 5ET 0 51.631189 -0.986017
OX49 5EU 0 51.628286 -0.993536
OX49 5EW 0 51.634409 -1.00033
OX49 5EX 0 51.624971 -0.992786
OX49 5EY 0 51.624595 -0.991986
OX49 5EZ 1 51.622149 -0.993593
OX49 5HA 0 51.615913 -0.992423
OX49 5HF 0 51.61594 -0.982948
OX49 5HB 0 51.615381 -0.992204
OX49 5HD 0 51.61873 -0.999049