all postcodes in OX9 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX9 2JW 1 1 51.727467 -1.059227
OX9 2JY 4 1 51.73556 -1.082513
OX9 2JZ 5 0 51.728545 -1.062404
OX9 2LA 2 1 51.734141 -1.063311
OX9 2LB 1 0 51.736655 -1.066958
OX9 2LD 1 0 51.736644 -1.063251
OX9 2LE 2 0 51.73819 -1.063749
OX9 2LF 3 0 51.735341 -1.063408
OX9 2LG 1 0 51.735411 -1.059815
OX9 2LH 19 3 51.74063 -1.064118
OX9 2LJ 8 0 51.740162 -1.063554
OX9 2LL 1 0 51.740752 -1.060935
OX9 2LN 4 0 51.74128 -1.060533
OX9 2LP 9 2 51.740727 -1.052631
OX9 2LQ 13 0 51.737424 -1.059614
OX9 2LR 19 0 51.742631 -1.06094
OX9 2LS 32 0 51.742545 -1.060203
OX9 2LT 15 0 51.743984 -1.060347
OX9 2LU 4 0 51.744238 -1.061703
OX9 2LW 9 0 51.741363 -1.059749