all postcodes in OX9 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX9 2LX 5 0 51.748437 -1.060559
OX9 2LY 30 0 51.738992 -1.060117
OX9 2NA 20 0 51.739724 -1.059436
OX9 2NB 6 0 51.738726 -1.059442
OX9 2ND 5 0 51.737851 -1.05904
OX9 2NE 5 0 51.738406 -1.058739
OX9 2NP 16 11 51.72795 -1.051051
OX9 2NR 1 0 51.723855 -1.047227
OX9 2NS 7 1 51.725039 -1.054702
OX9 2NT 13 0 51.723109 -1.047316
OX9 2NU 18 3 51.723956 -1.051873
OX9 2NX 2 0 51.727301 -1.05019
OX9 2NY 1 0 51.728768 -1.045416
OX9 2NZ 13 7 51.729114 -1.042657
OX9 2PA 1 0 51.732523 -1.032999
OX9 2PB 3 0 51.732735 -1.030359
OX9 2PD 1 0 51.732904 -1.034483
OX9 2PE 4 1 51.738 -1.035243
OX9 2PF 7 0 51.73817 -1.04067
OX9 2PP 15 0 51.749112 -0.983944