all postcodes in PA1 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA1 2BW 12 0 55.840209 -4.427368
PA1 2BX 1 1 55.844223 -4.428481
PA1 2BZ 7 4 55.845333 -4.426426
PA1 2DA 25 2 55.845563 -4.426329
PA1 2DB 27 2 55.845808 -4.424843
PA1 2DD 84 0 55.846484 -4.429117
PA1 2DE 68 1 55.845724 -4.432552
PA1 2DG 34 0 55.84562 -4.427817
PA1 2DJ 2 2 55.845166 -4.428701
PA1 2DL 40 2 55.845638 -4.429192
PA1 2DR 32 0 55.840272 -4.451363
PA1 2DS 3 0 55.845771 -4.434249
PA1 2DT 19 0 55.840317 -4.428301
PA1 2DW 50 0 55.841029 -4.427259
PA1 2EA 7 2 55.844652 -4.435393
PA1 2EB 16 0 55.844825 -4.434861
PA1 2EE 31 9 55.844471 -4.434088
PA1 2EF 36 11 55.844203 -4.434039
PA1 2EG 24 6 55.844522 -4.436727
PA1 2EH 15 2 55.844261 -4.436296