all postcodes in PA1 / PAISLEY

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Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA1 2EL 2 0 55.844369 -4.435199
PA1 2EN 39 0 55.843986 -4.435016
PA1 2EP 49 0 55.843362 -4.435184
PA1 2EQ 41 0 55.844422 -4.438382
PA1 2ER 1 1 55.842911 -4.436403
PA1 2ES 58 0 55.842673 -4.435972
PA1 2ET 63 1 55.842706 -4.434297
PA1 2EU 40 0 55.842937 -4.433512
PA1 2EX 39 0 55.842925 -4.434582
PA1 2FB 15 15 55.843828 -4.479319
PA1 2FD 2 1 55.840346 -4.478842
PA1 2HB 1 1 55.844546 -4.428022
PA1 2HD 30 7 55.841293 -4.425041
PA1 2HE 43 0 55.840998 -4.428823
PA1 2HF 1 1 55.840212 -4.426298
PA1 2HJ 1 0 55.839262 -4.432564
PA1 2HL 2 1 55.83893 -4.433183
PA1 2HP 5 4 55.841392 -4.432762
PA1 2HQ 14 4 55.841125 -4.430125
PA1 2HR 62 0 55.841589 -4.430793