all postcodes in PA14 / PORT GLASGOW

find any address or company within the PA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA14 5YZ 6 0 55.924521 -4.680141
PA14 5XS 3 3 55.926819 -4.676647
PA14 5AJ 0 55.934277 -4.70136
PA14 5AQ 0 55.933997 -4.701805
PA14 5EN 0 55.933632 -4.68194
PA14 5DQ 0 55.938149 -4.70267
PA14 5DR 0 55.938996 -4.703786
PA14 5DS 0 55.937653 -4.703965
PA14 5DU 0 55.938025 -4.701749
PA14 5DW 0 55.938238 -4.703541
PA14 5HB 4 0 55.934691 -4.696377
PA14 5DY 0 55.939789 -4.704114
PA14 5DZ 0 55.939496 -4.705166
PA14 5DX 3 2 55.937473 -4.697851
PA14 5BG 0 55.935545 -4.698963
PA14 5BH 0 55.935811 -4.700775
PA14 5BJ 0 55.935957 -4.699824
PA14 5BL 0 55.935691 -4.699261
PA14 5AU 11 8 55.936934 -4.697106
PA14 5BN 0 55.933692 -4.683398