all postcodes in PA14 / PORT GLASGOW

find any address or company within the PA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA14 5NU 4 3 55.931926 -4.676057
PA14 5NW 24 0 55.932244 -4.675887
PA14 5NX 48 0 55.931948 -4.676683
PA14 5PA 7 4 55.930872 -4.675454
PA14 5PD 11 0 55.93017 -4.68692
PA14 5PE 10 3 55.932256 -4.679568
PA14 5PF 28 0 55.931942 -4.679053
PA14 5PG 4 4 55.93205 -4.67997
PA14 5PJ 2 0 55.931815 -4.688664
PA14 5PN 12 0 55.930198 -4.665819
PA14 5PP 17 0 55.933581 -4.687957
PA14 5PR 23 0 55.933519 -4.687104
PA14 5PS 57 0 55.933583 -4.686228
PA14 5PT 13 0 55.932867 -4.688948
PA14 5PU 10 0 55.932455 -4.68932
PA14 5PX 4 0 55.93215 -4.689699
PA14 5PY 2 0 55.932052 -4.68812
PA14 5PZ 6 0 55.931854 -4.687613
PA14 5QA 6 0 55.931574 -4.68849
PA14 5QB 37 0 55.931566 -4.690523