all postcodes in PA15 / GREENOCK

find any address or company within the PA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA15 1JS 31 0 55.949931 -4.75948
PA15 1JT 11 0 55.949931 -4.75948
PA15 1JU 6 5 55.950299 -4.760323
PA15 1JW 14 11 55.949046 -4.758856
PA15 1JZ 3 3 55.950481 -4.760285
PA15 1LB 23 4 55.950772 -4.760978
PA15 1LD 2 2 55.951566 -4.761628
PA15 1LE 5 4 55.951302 -4.760491
PA15 1LG 3 3 55.951833 -4.760525
PA15 1LH 1 1 55.952519 -4.761599
PA15 1LL 1 1 55.94262 -4.741934
PA15 1LP 2 2 55.952544 -4.760912
PA15 1LQ 1 1 55.947767 -4.756587
PA15 1LR 7 6 55.953369 -4.762189
PA15 1LS 1 0 55.947576 -4.755868
PA15 1LT 3 1 55.94773 -4.756632
PA15 1LX 1 1 55.947767 -4.756587
PA15 1LY 1 1 55.947767 -4.756587
PA15 1LZ 1 1 55.948025 -4.756285
PA15 1NB 6 4 55.947243 -4.757094