all postcodes in PA15 / GREENOCK

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Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA15 1SX 47 3 55.948046 -4.763367
PA15 1SZ 10 3 55.948155 -4.764111
PA15 1TF 34 4 55.947576 -4.765079
PA15 1TJ 32 0 55.948574 -4.766688
PA15 1TL 39 1 55.948391 -4.767636
PA15 1TP 27 2 55.949955 -4.765649
PA15 1TS 7 1 55.949594 -4.766581
PA15 1TT 16 0 55.948686 -4.767414
PA15 1TU 20 0 55.948018 -4.768635
PA15 1UA 8 6 55.949515 -4.760873
PA15 1UE 12 6 55.949665 -4.76055
PA15 1UL 32 7 55.949945 -4.761692
PA15 1UN 1 1 55.951215 -4.761141
PA15 1UT 18 7 55.950395 -4.761644
PA15 1UU 1 1 55.950114 -4.760935
PA15 1UY 18 9 55.950316 -4.761157
PA15 1WE 1 1 55.94262 -4.741934
PA15 1XA 15 7 55.950502 -4.7621
PA15 1XE 5 4 55.950913 -4.762177
PA15 1XG 51 6 55.951147 -4.76187