all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 0AA 6 0 55.821011 -4.466196
PA2 0AB 48 0 55.822342 -4.466153
PA2 0AD 24 0 55.823909 -4.46424
PA2 0AE 56 0 55.825113 -4.461985
PA2 0AF 27 0 55.830091 -4.466548
PA2 0AG 1 1 55.825972 -4.458336
PA2 0AH 13 0 55.823001 -4.458612
PA2 0AJ 8 0 55.821921 -4.456851
PA2 0AL 25 0 55.821921 -4.458
PA2 0AN 20 0 55.82191 -4.459915
PA2 0AP 8 0 55.821177 -4.460603
PA2 0AR 26 0 55.821417 -4.464338
PA2 0AS 14 0 55.821447 -4.462376
PA2 0AT 18 0 55.820983 -4.46356
PA2 0AU 26 0 55.82073 -4.464103
PA2 0AW 37 0 55.821621 -4.460424
PA2 0AX 4 0 55.820957 -4.461292
PA2 0AY 29 4 55.821239 -4.45842
PA2 0AZ 32 0 55.820544 -4.459893
PA2 0BA 10 0 55.820393 -4.46298