all postcodes in PA2 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA2 6NG 37 1 55.835101 -4.420439
PA2 6NH 38 0 55.834672 -4.419629
PA2 6NJ 31 0 55.834894 -4.420696
PA2 6NL 46 3 55.835373 -4.422834
PA2 6NQ 25 0 55.834941 -4.419677
PA2 6NS 50 0 55.8384 -4.423853
PA2 6NT 44 2 55.838673 -4.423679
PA2 6NU 43 0 55.837313 -4.422444
PA2 6NX 30 0 55.837034 -4.422938
PA2 6NY 12 0 55.836462 -4.422951
PA2 6PA 54 0 55.835771 -4.419714
PA2 6PB 54 0 55.835627 -4.420454
PA2 6PD 49 0 55.83505 -4.418231
PA2 6PF 5 4 55.834647 -4.41819
PA2 6PP 50 0 55.834337 -4.416766
PA2 6PQ 6 0 55.835786 -4.419411
PA2 6PY 25 0 55.826619 -4.421028
PA2 6QB 23 0 55.825941 -4.421402
PA2 6QD 6 0 55.824941 -4.421339
PA2 6QE 2 0 55.824685 -4.420637