all postcodes in PA3 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA3 2DD 10 55.849986 -4.425182
PA3 2DG 0 55.856004 -4.434489
PA3 2DH 0 55.857051 -4.434715
PA3 2DJ 2 55.84791 -4.425357
PA3 2DY 6 55.850274 -4.426079
PA3 2DZ 3 55.850473 -4.42649
PA3 2EA 1 55.852994 -4.425978
PA3 2EG 3 55.851671 -4.426518
PA3 2EH 1 55.851826 -4.42576
PA3 2EL 0 55.851755 -4.428008
PA3 2EN 0 55.852079 -4.428621
PA3 2EP 0 55.851499 -4.429767
PA3 2ER 0 55.851446 -4.428805
PA3 2EQ 0 55.851469 -4.426105
PA3 2ES 3 55.851089 -4.428494
PA3 2ET 0 55.851147 -4.42968
PA3 2HJ 1 55.848218 -4.42798
PA3 2HL 5 55.848112 -4.427222
PA3 2HQ 1 55.848246 -4.428668
PA3 2HT 2 55.848506 -4.42779