all postcodes in PA3 / PAISLEY

find any address or company within the PA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA3 2RA 1 55.854591 -4.426875
PA3 2RD 4 55.856755 -4.425604
PA3 2RE 1 55.858447 -4.424767
PA3 2RP 3 55.857528 -4.424838
PA3 2RS 11 55.860937 -4.424267
PA3 2RY 4 55.868703 -4.425422
PA3 2SG 14 55.865871 -4.42702
PA3 2SJ 14 55.860658 -4.428676
PA3 2SS 5 55.86496 -4.426708
PA3 2ST 1 55.864572 -4.432246
PA3 2SX 1 55.863546 -4.428073
PA3 2SY 1 55.862118 -4.434808
PA3 2SZ 1 55.861894 -4.436168
PA3 2TB 1 55.866317 -4.424282
PA3 2TD 41 55.864648 -4.432074
PA3 2TE 1 55.863351 -4.433367
PA3 2TH 2 55.862226 -4.426793
PA3 2TJ 21 55.864572 -4.432246
PA3 2TQ 3 55.862468 -4.440952
PA3 2NA 13 0 55.8547 -4.42955