all postcodes in PA4 / RENFREW

find any address or company within the PA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA45 7QR 21 2 55.819254 -6.159273
PA45 7QS 1 1 55.819082 -6.159574
PA45 7QT 6 1 55.83964 -6.164154
PA45 7QW 18 1 55.811432 -6.179344
PA46 7RB 19 5 55.851143 -6.117727
PA46 7RD 1 1 55.847676 -6.105482
PA46 7RE 1 0 55.845719 -6.104316
PA46 7RF 7 2 55.840053 -6.128204
PA46 7RG 12 0 55.840898 -6.128485
PA46 7RJ 26 0 55.852998 -6.110649
PA46 7RL 1 1 55.854714 -6.109647
PA46 7RN 5 0 55.868024 -6.118676
PA46 7RP 1 1 55.883178 -6.126172
PA46 7RQ 30 0 55.841812 -6.127767
PA46 7RR 6 0 55.88233 -6.123961
PA46 7RS 4 0 55.883024 -6.128467
PA46 7RT 2 0 55.882236 -6.127448
PA46 7RU 6 0 55.881473 -6.125646
PA46 7RW 1 0 55.884389 -6.129316
PA47 7SG 6 2 55.68023 -6.501097