all postcodes in PA4 / RENFREW

find any address or company within the PA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA47 7SH 15 2 55.680482 -6.507685
PA47 7SJ 9 1 55.680331 -6.510088
PA47 7SL 5 0 55.681172 -6.507778
PA47 7SN 9 0 55.680698 -6.508666
PA47 7SP 20 1 55.679238 -6.507765
PA47 7SQ 7 0 55.680918 -6.506096
PA47 7SR 10 0 55.676885 -6.504259
PA47 7SS 5 0 55.676903 -6.505458
PA47 7ST 14 2 55.67664 -6.505746
PA47 7SU 12 0 55.676135 -6.503842
PA47 7SW 8 0 55.680243 -6.50562
PA47 7SX 7 0 55.676106 -6.50417
PA47 7SY 13 0 55.688038 -6.5094
PA47 7SZ 10 2 55.716347 -6.473054
PA48 7TL 20 3 55.737605 -6.380261
PA48 7TN 26 0 55.736274 -6.383794
PA48 7TP 4 0 55.738419 -6.378152
PA48 7TR 10 0 55.739194 -6.377601
PA48 7TS 1 0 55.738353 -6.37824
PA48 7TT 1 0 55.739553 -6.377881