all postcodes in PE11 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE11 1US 40 0 52.791722 -0.16821
PE11 1GD 37 0 52.792106 -0.16375
PE11 1GS 10 0 52.791626 -0.164329
PE11 1BF 66 0 52.789018 -0.164854
PE11 1HJ 0 52.786831 -0.161224
PE11 1AL 0 52.79126 -0.162742
PE11 1GZ 2 52.793773 -0.15261
PE11 1GY 0 52.785579 -0.161647
PE11 1GT 8 0 52.782302 -0.162902
PE11 1PY 13 0 52.785666 -0.166671
PE11 1RF 0 52.795071 -0.153386
PE11 1WD 2 52.787517 -0.150962
PE11 1UW 6 0 52.790599 -0.14392
PE11 1UP 0 52.787314 -0.147016
PE11 1UZ 9 0 52.77638 -0.172417
PE11 1WF 5 0 52.776747 -0.17172
PE11 1WL 6 0 52.776894 -0.171906
PE11 1WP 1 0 52.776502 -0.170425
PE11 1WQ 0 52.776572 -0.171475
PE11 2AA 3 52.788335 -0.147502